Established in 1948 & located in Smithfield, Maine, Sadulsky's Camps has a tradition of fine, friendly, family vacationing. Nestled in a wide cove on the quiet north end of East Pond, the westerly view provides spectacular sunsets.
East Pond is the first of the seven Belgrade Lakes chain, and is the feeder lake for the others. While several species of fish inhabit the lake, it is the small and large mouth bass that draw the serious angler.
Sadulsky's Camps offers two and three bedroom housekeeping cottages with all the necessities provided with the exception of linen and towels. The cottages are well stocked with dishes and cooking utensils and are completely furnished. Each cottage has hot and cold running water, all drawn from a crystal clear well. Internet service is available.
East Pond provides some of the best fishing in the area with large and small mouth bass being quite abundant along with black crappie, brown trout, pickerel, yellow and white perch which in our opinion is the best eating.
Wildlife in the local area consists of the occasional moose, white tailed deer, raccoon, beaver, fox, mink, and several varieties of squirrels. Loons are abundant in the cove and their calls can be clearly heard in the evenings. Blue Herons and Osprey are often spotted, as well.